Showroom Announcement: No Gun Bag, No Service
If you're on your way to visit the Patrol Base Showroom in Huddersfield and plan on bringing your Airsoft gun, make sure it is safely stashed away out of the view of the public, preferably in a gun bag or case.
Options include the 8Fields Tactical Simple Rifle Case and the Double Rifle Gun Case, affordable gun bags which not only make your Airsoft guns easier to carry but keep you safe at the same time. The Simple Rifle Case is suitable for rifles of up to 100cm in length, and the Double Rifle Gun Case can hold one rifle of up to 107cm and one measuring up to 60cm.
If you prefer the security and elite look that comes with a hard rifle case, the NUPROL hard rifle case is the best option currently. Available in affordable Essentials and high-grade Wheeled options, NUPROL cases come in a wide variety of sizes, some suitable for smaller platforms such as SMGs and some suitable for two full-sized rifles!
If you don't own a gun bag, you can use the original box, a bin bag, a bed sheet or practically anything else that covers your entire replica, though this is not necessarily ideal if you are stopped by the authorities. We will always recommend a proper hard case or gun bag over improvised solutions, though using something to cover your Airsoft gun is better than nothing.
This applies as much to two-tones as it does to RIFs; the Police will not see a two-tone as any different to an RIF in terms of response, nor will the courts if it comes to sentencing.

Misuse of Airsoft guns, two-tone or otherwise can have life-altering consequences, alarm members of the public and bring the sport into disrepute. If you want to enjoy Airsoft skirmishing safely and legally for years to come, don't be "that guy" and get the sport banned!
If we've convinced you that an Airsoft gun bag or hard case is essential, check out our Airsoft gun bags and hard rifle cases below!