Top 5 Airsoft Loadouts at HALO MILL: Proving Grounds
The Beast of the Woods
The Beast of the Woods, as we have dubbed him, roams the Proving Grounds site wielding a Tokyo Marui SGR-12 automatic tri-shot shotgun with an M203 MOSCART grenade launcher mounted. As if three BBs per trigger pull in a semi and fully auto-capable shotgun wasn't enough, this gentleman decided to punish the other team by adding a grenade launcher to his massive shotgun for some truly overwhelming firepower.

Not content with being able to lay down more BBs in a fraction of a second than the whole other team combined, the Beast chooses to wear a 3D camo jacket and ghillie hood, meaning you better take a close look when passing a bush at Proving Grounds, and be extra careful there isn't a HUGE shotgun with a grenade launcher poking out.

Talk about a terrifying prospect! This guy is a one-man army, and his loadout is an interesting combination of a juggernaut-style weapon with sniper-like concealment. A match made in heaven? For the enemy team, it's a match made in hell!
The Tommy Gun Blinder
When you have Airsoft at 9, and a wedding at 1, what better loadout to run in the scenic woodlands of Selby? This gentleman chose to don his Sunday best to get down and dirty in the woods, and his loadout sure stands out, both in the good way and the bad!

Now, we wouldn't want to assume where this gent got his loadout inspiration from, not at all, but we can say it looks awesome and must have been an interesting experience to skirmish in! Let's be frank, you probably don't need a rig for extra mags when you are running a Thompson with a 550-round drum magazine! High speed, low drag!

The Blinder sure looks dapper, and what's that above the peak of his hat? Perhaps an on-theme melee weapon! We hope it's rubber and bends through 90 degrees!

Fortunately, at Proving Grounds eye protection is mandatory, and there will be no one leaving the site blind, even if they upset the Blinder! Grey may not be the best camouflage for Proving Grounds, but that's why nobody thought of this before. Respect to this man for his outside-the-box thinking and sizable cajones for wearing such an outstanding loadout in the woods!
The Time Traveller
What better way to get the ultimate loadout than to travel through time, extracting all the coolest kit you can find from the battlefields of the 20th and 21st centuries? With his combination of a WW2 era smock and modern Crye Gen 3 combat trousers in M81 woodland, that's what we assume this gentleman did, and his loadout is one of the finest anachronistic setups we have ever seen!

We have observed the Time Traveller at many different Proving Grounds operations, wielding some very unique guns. And we don't mean just a unique set of bolt-on upgrades, we mean unique with a capital U. This gent is clearly a highly skilled craftsman, see the citation below:

On his travels through the space-time continuum, this Airsofter has developed quite the taste for old-school SMGs and has clearly also crossed through dimensional barriers to return with this absolute gem of a custom AEG. We know there is an AK under there, somewhere!

The Time Traveller has also been seen wielding an exceptionally well-picked combination; A customised STEN gun with a Thompson M1A1 as a secondary. Obviously, on his journey through time, he has bred good relations with the WWII-era allies. All this steel and wood makes us yearn for a time long passed!
The Cold War Killer
More M81 woodland! This time it is a practically flawless real-world US Army impression from the early 1980s, complete with ALICE webbing, a PASGT helmet, Nomex Flight Gloves and an M16A1. Cold war era equipment decidedly does not get the attention it deserves in Airsoft, and we are pleasantly surprised to see this gent cutting about the Proving Grounds woods dressed to impress!

We dubbed this man "The Cold War Killer", because his loadout is Cold War, and he looks killer! If you look closely, you can even see the old-school angled torch issued to Militaries of yesteryear handing from his belt kit. Awesome! This guy even wears his helmet chin strap as an actual chin strap! Exceptional levels of dedication for an Airsofter!

While it looks fantastic, this loadout also looks like it would also be extremely effective for woodland skirmishing. The "mop" on his helmet is intended to break up the outline of a human head in the same way a ghillie suit would, and without a bulky modern plate carrier, we bet this guy moves like lightning on the battlefield!

Even when caught in a candid shot between rounds, this guy looks like the real deal. He is even rocking what appears to be a period-accurate radio on his back. That must weigh a ton! Extra points for proper application of cam cream, and for carrying not one, but two canteens. One must stay hydrated for maximum in-game performance, after all!
The Crye-land Warrior
Introducing the Crye-Land Warrior. This gent is rocking full Multicam and blends in rather well with the famous Proving Grounds bridge, and his lightweight belt rig based setup must give him some exceptional agility in-game. His AUG A3 looks pretty slick too, we love a backwards rifle here!

Skirmishers running Multicam is a constant, and Crye-clad skirmishers are a dime a dozen. So what is so unique about his gear? And why is he known as the Crye-land Warrior? So many questions, cast your eyes downwards and you will find the answer!

As you can see, this skirmisher likes his tactical kit with a side of tradition! This man is of the ancient Crye Precision clan and wears his colours with pride. Where this gentleman sourced his Multicam kilt from we have no idea, but the pattern looks bang on, and it also appears to allow him to take a nice wide and very stable stance for AEG recoil control 😉. With an emphasis on mobility and airflow, this loadout must be a pleasure to wear during the sweltering summer months, despite the painful bare leg shots!

No need for gen.3 style spandex sections on this lower half, this loadout has plenty of flexibility and cooling built right in. Why has Crye not thought of this? We look forward to the official Crye K.I.L.T release if it ever comes, but like most Crye kit it will probably require a remortgage to pay for! The only thing this loadout lacks is a giant rubber claymore for melee kills, though who knows, he might have one stashed under the kilt!
Cool stuff eh? There are many more mould-breaking loadouts gracing HALO MILL: Proving Grounds so expect more well-dressed Airsofters to make appearances in future articles. A big thanks to all the skirmishers featured in this blog, we may not know your names but we sure love your kit!