Storm 360 Grenades
Looking to pepper your friends with hundreds of BBs? Or simply looking for something to clear rooms in CQB? The ASG Storm 360 Impact Grenade might just be the thing you're looking for. Available in Black, Olive Green, and Lime Green, these Gas Powered Impact Grenades spew out streams off BBs when thrown against a hard surface, perfect for clearing out tight spaces and corridors in a CQB environment.
Licensed by ASG the grenade comes available in multiple colours, and is a great alternative to traditional BFGs and Paper Pyro. The benefit over Paper Pyro is that they are reusable, requiring only the cost off BBs and Gas to refill, something most Airsofters will have on them most of the time.
Powered by Airsoft Green Gas, the grenade is filled via a top fill valve once the Safety Pin is inserted and is easy to prime, simply by depressing the button on the top of the grenade. The grenade holds up to 165 BBs, which are loaded into the top using an Airsoft Speed Loader.

How many BBs does this fire?
How many bbs does the ASG storm fire?
Patrol Base
Hey there! The grenade holds up to 165BBs, but we recommend loading around 100 for maximum impact! Hope this helps.
Fine for under 18s?
Can I use this at my site if I am under 18?
Patrol Base
Hey there! Some grenades may allow the use of this grenade if you are under 18, because it does not contain any explosives, however, this varies on a site to site basis! We recommend getting in contact with your site beforehand to avoid disappointment! Hope this helps.