- Interviews & Podcasts
If you are interested in the world of Airsoft upgrades you must be familiar with Waldo Customs, leading manufacturers of upgrade parts for Hi-capa and AAP-01 GBB pistols. Join us as we discuss Airsoft upgrades and check out some custom guns with the minds behind Waldo Customs!
- Interviews & Podcasts
If you are a fan of VORSK Airsoft, creators of some of the most unique and affordable custom Airsoft GBB pistols on the market, this should interest you! In this edition of Live From Patrol Base we sit down and chat with Ross and Tom from VORSK about future VORSK releases!
- Interviews & Podcasts
Curious about Bolster Armouries and what makes its custom Airsoft guns so special? Find out the answers you seek in this edition of Live From Patrol Base as we sit down with Mark and Jake, the talented creators and Head Technicians of Bolster Armouries and check out some Bolster Armouries Airsoft guns!
- Interviews & Podcasts
Is Airsoft for ladies or just for the blokes? In this edition of Live With Patrol Base we invite Kitty from 1 Legion Milsm to join us to discuss her experience of Airsoft, show off her rigs, RIFs and equipment and clue us in on what Airsoft skirmishing is like for the fairer sex!
- Interviews & Podcasts
NUPROL Airsoft has rapidly climbed the ranks to become one of Airsoft's staple brands, providing everything skirmishers need, from BBs to RIFs and everything in between. In this edition of Live From Patrol Base we sit down with Tom, Marketing Manager of NUPROL and discuss what the future has in store for NUPROL Airsoft!
- Interviews & Podcasts
If you have questions about Airsoft or Patrol Base you should find this edition of Live From Patrol Base very informative! In this special Any Questions Answered session, Stu and Pete answer any and all Airsoft or Patrol Base related questions asked by our audience!
- Interviews & Podcasts
In this edition of Live From Patrol Base we invite Will Greenwood from ASG on to tell us a bit about Action Sport Games as a company and drop some hints about future ASG products. Join us for some useful ASG Airsoft intel!
- Interviews & Podcasts
If you are into the technical side of Airsoft and want some useful intel on upgrading and customising you guns, you need to see this! In this edition of Live From Patrol Base we talk upgrades, maintenance and customisation with the head of the Patrol Base workshop team, Mark Pinder!
Want the chance to ask your questions directly to the biggest names in the Airsoft industry? If so, this is your opportunity! In our PBTV Interview and Podcast series we invite brand representatives, well-known Airsoft skirmishers and other special Airsoft guests in so we can interrogate them with your questions and give you the answers you deserve!
Had a really good experience with a particular brand? Maybe the opposite? Either way, you can get involved with the conversation and give your feedback straight to the guys who designed your gun, your favourite Airsoft E-celeb or random Airsoft skirmishers we drag in here for an Airsoft chin-wag!
Join us for our Podcast Series: Live From Patrol Base and have your questions answered by some of Airsoft's household names like NUPROL & ASG, but also some of our favourite players and big names in the industry!
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