Are all types of BB Pellets safe for Airsoft?

Are all types of BB Pellets safe for Airsoft?

In the Airsoft world, most pellets sold by reputable Airsoft retailers will be safe to use for Airsoft, this includes all type of 6mm BB which are made from plastic. There are several types of BB which fall into the 6mm Plastic BB category, with other features such as variant weights of BB, tracer style glow in the dark BB, and Biodegradable BB, but we'll be focusing on the main material types.

  • Plastic BB
    This type of BB is the ONLY type of BB in this list which is safe for Airsoft. These BB typically come in 6mm form, and can be purchased from any Airsoft retailer. Plastic pellets are used in Airsoft because they travel well, but deform on impact with the target. These types of BB are safer for Airsoft skirmishing because they deform (or in the worst case scenario break on impact), which makes them less likely to penetrate through clothes, skin, or eye and face protection.
  • Glass BB
    This type of BB are NOT SAFE FOR AIRSOFT IN ANY FORM. No reputable Airsoft retailer will sell these, and they're rare, you'll usually only find them imported on the sly from other country. We cannot stress this enough. If you go to an Airsoft site and use these you will be removed from the site almost immediately. Glass BB shatter on impact and can seriously hurt people. If people are using mesh goggles these can shatter and the tiny bits of glass can go through the goggles into peoples eyes. If you've been asked to purchase these as a gift for someone, or someone has given you them, bin them immediately. Not only will you hurt people, they'll also damage your gun if they smash inside.
  • Water BB
    This type of BB are NOT SAFE FOR AIRSOFT. Though because they're water they may not hurt people on impact, they're likely to break inside your weapon if you use them. We shouldn't have to tell you that water and electronics don't mix, but if a water pellet breaks inside your Airsoft replica you're on a one way trip to a repair shop. If you were thinking of buying these as a gift for your son or daughter, or as a gift for your significant other, you'll probably unfortunately do more harm than good.
  • Explosive Pellet
    This type of BB are NOT SAFE FOR AIRSOFT IN ANY FORM. No reputable Airsoft retailer will sell these, and we would be very surprised if you actually got your hands on them. Not only are these types of pellets extremely dangerous to other people, they will also destroy your Airsoft replica's internals. If you go to an Airsoft site and use these you will be removed from the site almost immediately. There is also a question of legality with this type of ammunition, so it is best avoided at all costs.
  • Metal Pallet
    This type of BB are NOT SAFE FOR AIRSOFT IN ANY FORM. No reputable Airsoft retailer will sell these, they're usually designed for air pistols and air rifles. We cannot stress this enough. If you go to an Airsoft site and use these you will be removed from the site immediately. These are dangerous because they will break skin, damage eye protection, and in the worst case actually shatter eye protection. These should never be fired at a player. These types of pellets will damage your weapon's barrel by scratching it and possibly even tearing the soft hop-up rubber, leaving you on a one way trip to a repair shop.

We recommend that you only buy 6mm Plastic Airsoft pellets from us, as we've vetted their quality and use them ourselves in our own personal Airsoft replicas. If you do go to another retailer please ensure that the BB are Airsoft safe, and they're made from plastic / polymer. If you're still confused you can always get in touch with us via our Contact form, or talk to your Airsoft game site beforehand. You can browse our wide range of safe to use airsoft BB's HERE

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