- Green Tracers BBs
- ±0.01mm Tolerance
- 0.28g 6mm Tracer BBs
Produced by VORSK Airsoft, these Airsoft Tracer BBs are precision engineered 6mm BBs which are designed to be used in a wide range of Airsoft guns and replicas. These BBs are part of the VORSKs brand new range of Airsoft BBs ranging from light weight BBs for beginner Airsoft players, all the way up to super heavyweight BBs for professional players and snipers.
These particular BBs are Tracer 0.28g BBs which have been infused with glow in the dark materials allowing them to be fired through Airsoft Tracer units to sling a glowing BB down range at your target. Available in Green these Tracer BBs are Super fun for use in dark environments to track your shots as they fly, or to add to the end of a magazine to let you know you're running low.
This weight of BBs is specifically designed with a higher weight to allow it to punch through light wind and bushes with ease, allowing you to be more effective in outdoor games. These BBs perform best when used in Airsoft guns between 300fps - 400fps, and are great in replicas which have had upgrades or come with an extremely good hop out of the box.
- 3300 x 0.28g BBs
- Low cost and high quality
- Perfect for outdoor skirmishes
If you are shooting so much you are emptying your bank account as fast as you empty your magazine, more affordable BBs are the key to keeping up the habit. Often, with affordability comes compromise, but not with ASG's Q Blaster BBs! These 6mm Airsoft BBs are supplied in a resealable bottle containing 3300 BBs approximately and are polished and coated for smooth reliable feeding. These are the 0.28G variety, perfect for outdoor skirmishes where you may need improved foliage penetration, wind resistance and consistency at long range.
Tolerance is slightly wider than Blaster Devils but still minuscule, promising +/- 0.03mm variance at the absolute maximum. These BBs would be great for a thrifty Airsofter with a long range leaning, and absolutely ideal for an LMG which may need to put down some serious volume of fire at longer ranges than average.
- 1KG Resealable bag
- High-grade polished BBs
- 0.28g - Perfect for outdoors & upgraded guns
If you need BBs for outdoor skirmishing, these 0.28g Airsoft Precision BBs are well suited to the task. These highly polished 0.28g BBs boast ultra-tight tolerances for maximum accuracy and smooth, reliable feeding. Supplied in a resealable bag containing approximately 3571 BBs, BLS BBs are a fantastic balance of affordability and performance, ideal for upgraded HOP-up units and long-range focussed setups.
- Approx. 3300 BBs
- ±0.01mm Tolerance
- Green 0.28g Tracers
A heavyweight tracer BB which once illuminated glow a bright green to give the effect of a tracer round being fired from the replica. These BBs are designed to be used in conjunction with an Airsoft Tracer Unit which 'charges' the BBs, allowing you to treat your enemy to a light show they'll never forget.
About Our Airsoft 0.28g BBs
Favoured by more advanced players, our 0.28g BBs carry a little extra weight than many of standard BBs. This means they’re more stable in windy conditions. Plus, 0.28g BBs are more adept at powering through materials such as bushes, ideal for those who enjoy an outdoor skirmish.
Looking to make a big order? Check out our bulk offers where you can buy more and save. If you’re looking for a more sustainable BB option, we also have a range of biodegradable BBs. Alternatively, shop all of our BBs in one place.
Choose next day delivery when you shop our 0.28g BBs online to get playing sooner. Want to try before you buy? No problem - come and visit us at our store in Huddersfield.