If you need quick answers to your Airsoft questions you'll find the intel you need in our Airsoft FAQ articles! If you are wondering whether Airsoft BBs hurt or you want to know how to install your battery, this is the place.
If your young'n has their eye on Airsoft you probably have many questions. Allow us to provide a little clarity! Airsoft is a relatively new sport similar to Paintball, involving skirmishing games using non-lethal projectile dispensers known as Airsoft replicas. Airsoft battles are the real-life version of Call of Duty; safer, less painful and cheaper than paintball, not to mention more realistic and much more fun. Join us to learn more!
Like starting any new hobby, Airsofting can be quite daunting at first! We at Patrol Base understand Airsoft looks confusing and expensive at first, but it's less intimidating than you think. In this blog, we go over exactly what gear is needed for an exciting, intense and safe day of Airsoft gameplay. Join us to learn the ropes and figure it all out together!
Here we answer a few of the common questions that we see when being asked about Airsoft.
If you are curious about Airsoft, this will be one of your first questions! Join us as we explain Two-Tone Airsoft guns, what they are and why they exist.
If you ever wondered what "Level 2" or "Level 3" retention means as it relates to Airsoft pistol holsters, this article will clue you in!
There is a lot of confusion surrounding LiPo batteries, and to this day some Airsofters are still sceptical of them. We all have our own preferred power source, but we think LiPos are currently the best way to go for most Airsofters. Join us for info on LiPo batteries, their advantages, how to keep them healthy and the dos and don'ts of LiPo ownership!
A Gas Blowback Rifle is absolutely the best tool in Airsofters' arsenal when it comes to immersion but with extra recoil and realism comes extra maintenance and other challenges. Join us as we clue you in on what you need to know when buying your first GBBR!
Many of our most common questions relate to the "User Skill Level" field in our product descriptions, so we thought we could shed some light on this. The skill level we select for each gun generally depends on our assessment of what type of player would get the most out of the particular gun and its features. Join us as we go into a bit more detail about each of our "User Skill Level" options and what they mean!
So, you have seen all the cool guys at the skirmish running tracer units and suppressors, and you want to join them? This guide will cover what you will need for all the most popular Airsoft AEG and GBB platforms to mount a tracer, suppressor or other threaded muzzle attachments. If you are looking for a thread adapter, but aren't sure which you need, give this guide a read to find out!
The pellets shot from Airsoft Guns do sting when they hit you on bare skin, though you are unlikely to feel anything other than a slight poke when hit over your clothing.
Gearbox, Motor, Piston, Cylinder!? We get it, there's a whole bunch of jargon surrounding Electric Airsoft Guns, but we're here to help you understand what an AEG is and how to choose one that best suits you and your playstyle.
To buy a an Airsoft Gun gun, replica firearm, or any other Airsoft Gun in the UK you must be over the age of 18.
If you are getting yourself geared up with a MOLLE tactical vest this will be useful intel! Join us as we outline the correct way to install MOLLE pouches on a MOLLE tactical vest, chest rig, plate carrier or backpack. Don't be the "all the gear, no idea" type!
Yes and no, technically you do not need a license to buy or own an Airsoft replica, however, the retailer needs to ensure you have a reason for purchasing before they can sell you one.
There is a lot of confusion amongst Airsofters about grenade launchers, and if you plan to get your N00b t00b on with a 40mm grenade launcher for Airsoft you will need at least some foundational knowledge before you bust your first bunker. If you like the idea of running an Airsoft grenade launcher, get in here as we talk MOSCARTs!
Interested in an SMG? First, allow us to clue you in on what an SMG is, the different types on the market and what type of Airsoft player they suit best. It can be tough choosing a gun, they all look cool, but nobody wants to buy something they will later regret. Read on for our breakdown on Airsoft SMGs, how they work and what type of Airsoft skirmisher suits them best!
Interested in a DMR? Who isn't? Reaching out and harassing the enemy team at range is one of the most unique aspects of our sport! If you have aspirations to run an Airsoft DMR rifle you will first need to get some intel on what a DMR is, the different types out there and why Airsofters choose to use DMR rifles. Let's get eyes on target and take a look at DMR rifles in Airsoft!
What is a Sniper? Strictly speaking, it should be "Who is a Sniper?", as the Sniper is the man behind the gun, not the gun itself. The answer? You, if you so choose!
Our Airsoft Basics guide on Airsoft Sniper rifles will answer how Sniper rifles work, give you the drop on the types of Sniper rifles out there, and the type of Airsofter will appreciate an Airsoft Sniper rifle. Check the wind, dial in your scope and steady your breathing as you ready yourself to find out more about the different types of Sniper rifles on the market before you take the shot!
What is an AK? We all know of the famous Avtomat Kalashnikova (Kalashnikov's Automatic [rifle]), but if you want one for Airsoft you will need to know the different types of AK out there, and which one is right for you! Read on to find out more about Airsoft AK types, how they work and what type of Airsoft skirmisher would enjoy them the most!
So you want to get a scope for your Airsoft gun? We get it, they look awesome, and also give some major advantages when it comes to exchanging plastic with the enemy team! First things first you will need to narrow down what type of scope, aka optical sight, you want to use. Read on for a breakdown of different types of scopes and their best use on the Airsoft battlefield!
In the market for an Airsoft M4? First you'll need to decide which kind! The M4/AR15 Airsoft platform is the most prolific style of Airsoft rifle in use today by a wide margin, but there are so many different types it can be a lot to take in for a new skirmisher. Allow us to make things easy and give you a brief rundown of the options available to a budding M4 user to help you decide which M4 rifle is right for you!
Looking for an Airsoft pistol but unsure which to choose? This guide should fill you in on the different types of Airsoft pistol available, and help you make the call on what to fill your holster with. From GBB to AEP, find the answers to your Airsoft pistol queries right here!
What is an Airsoft shotgun? If you're on the hunt for an Airsoft shotgun, whether it is for target shooting in the backyard or getting up close and personal in a CQB Airsoft skirmish site you will first need to equip yourself with the knowledge to choose the right shotgun for you! From pump action tri-shot shotguns to electric shotguns with full auto capability, there are plenty of options out there, so let's take a look at the types of shotguns the Airsoft world has to offer!
Got your eyes on an Airsoft Glock? They look awesome, don't they? With so many different types of Glock available for Airsoft, choosing the right Glock for you can be a bit of a minefield. With this in mind, allow us to give you some intel on the Glock platform, what each type of Glock is best for and what type of skirmisher will appreciate an Airsoft Glock!
You may have seen the term "Bullpup" used in relation to guns, be it Airsoft or real steel. But what is a Bullpup, and what are the advantages of using one over a conventional rifle like an M4? Read on to find out what the deal is with Bullpup rifles, and to check out a selection of our favourite bullpup Airsoft rifles available right now! Backwards rifles ARE cool, and we are here to prove it!
Hi-capas! Whether you are the tactical type, SPEEDQB hero or anything in between, there is an Airsoft Hi-capa GBB pistol to suit you. Packed with modern features but with classic 1911 layout and giant magazines, who doesn't want to own one of the most practical and tactical modern Airsoft sidearms available? Join us for more intel on the Hi-capa platform!
If you are confused about optic mounts for your Russian rifle, you aren't the only one! In this guide we will shed some light on this from an Airsoft standpoint, and give you the heads up and what to look for to be relatively sure your chosen side rail mount or optic will fit your AK47/74 or SVD rifle.
If you are getting geared up for Airsoft skirmishing this intel is very important! MOLLE is the backbone of modern tactical gear, offering modularity, customisation options and a near-unlimited number of pouches to choose from. If you need more info on what MOLLE is and what it does, join us as we clue you in!
Wondering how to install the battery in your Airsoft M4? Allow us to talk you through it!
This article will outline how to install a battery in the most common M4 battery compartments, including crane stocks, buffer tubes and handguards!
We have all seen Airsoft BBs marketed as "biodegradable", but to what extent is that actually true? Do you really have to choose, performance or conscience? Patrol Base at your service, here to clarify the mystery surrounding "Bio" BBs, how sustainable for the environment they actually are, which ones we use for skirmishing, and which we avoid!
Looking for some extra information before you get your Airsoft gun? We’ve got you covered. Check out our easy guide then get playing.
You can buy any Airsoft replica from our website as long as you are over the age of 18, and the item is Two Toned.
In the Airsoft world, most pellets sold by reputable Airsoft retailers will be safe to use for Airsoft, this includes all type of 6mm BB which are made from plastic.
There are many types of BB gun available, and it's important to understand the distinction between each one.
Two toning an Airsoft gun through Patrol Base is simple! With a simple selection you can order your dream Airsoft replica without the need for an Airsoft Defence!
Ever wondered what happens if your Airsoft sight gets shot by a BB? Long story short, if you're unlucky then the front lens is going to be smashed, and if that happens, its goodbye sight! If you want to save yourself some money in the long run then dropping a little bit of cash on a sight protector can go a long way!
Regular maintenance is essential for any AEG, even the AEG equivalent of a supercar; The Bolster Armouries AEG series. In this article, we will outline the appropriate maintenance procedure for the ONYX, ATLAS, ARKOSE and OBIRE AEG series and how to carry it out.
If you are the proud owner of a Bolster Armouries Precision Hi-capa Obsidian, Moonstone, Quartz, Moonstone [Limited Edition] or Blackstone SOCOM, this article is for you! Most in-depth maintenance for these high performance RIFs should be carried out by the Bolster Armouries tech team as a part of the Bolster Armouries Service Programme, but reapplication of lubricant and inner barrel cleaning is down to you, proud owner! Here's how to do it!
Today we have a guest blog post from PatrolBase Mike, aka Milky. A lot of you may have met him in the shop, and he wanted to clarify exactly what battery you need for the ARP-9, as its a question commonly asked both in-store and online.
If you have questions about Airsoft and need answers ASAP, our Airsoft FAQ articles should provide some clarity double time! These articles are penned to provide a quick reference to answer your most common Airsoft questions.
From info on which battery type fits which AEG to brief guides on common Airsoft terminology, our FAQs waste no time getting you the intel you need to get started in the hobby or overcome the most common sources of confusion for Airsofters!
Looking for other Airsoft Help & Advice? If so, check out our full Help and Advice page via the button below!