Airsoft Gift Cards and Vouchers
As the time approaches for gifts for a birthday, Christmas or special occasion it can be a bit nerve wracking trying to decide on what Airsoft Gift to buy. We Airsoft players are a unique lot, what one person likes another may hate, and there's nothing worse than purchasing a gift to find out the person doesn't like it!
For these types of scenarios, we have put together a selection of Airsoft Gift Cards which can be purchased and redeemed on any product from our website. Let the Airsoft player in your life choose the present they want the most, or contribute towards that gun they've been dreaming of!
Show me the Patrol Base Airsoft Gift Cards!
What can I use Patrol Base Airsoft gift cards for?
If you're looking for some ideas for when gift cards may be a better alternative, we have a few suggestions for you here:
Buying an Airsoft gun as a gift
Trying to buy a gun as a gift for an Airsofter can be a nightmare: you might not know what to pick, and you probably don't have an Airsoft Defence; if this sounds like you, gift cards are the solution. Giving the gift of an Airsoft Gift Card lets your loved one pick whichever gun they like, as well as allows them to use their own defence, meaning no two-tone nastiness!
Contribute towards a bigger package
We realise that quite a lot of Airsoft guns are out of the price range for any one person as a gift. Stop worrying about it and buy them Airsoft Gift Vouchers instead. They can pool all their vouchers together to buy the gun they want. Work with friends and family to contribute towards the recipient's Airsoft gun fund!
Great for Mums, Dads & Relatives
Take the worry out of buying! You probably know your son or daughter loves to play Airsoft, but when it comes to the finer details you might not know exactly what you're looking for. If this is the case, worry no longer, if you gift them vouchers they can pick their own kit which they will know works for them!
Avoid waiting for the Two-Tone service
Due to the way the law works the person who pays for the weapon must have a Specific Defence under the VCRA. Buying gift cards is a way to avoid having to two-tone the Airsoft gun so the recipient can complete the transaction using the Gift Cards and their own VCRA defence.
Buying online
Buying online with your Patrol Base Airsoft Gift card is super simple! Each card comes with a unique code on the back for use against the value of any product on our website.
1 - Enter the code online
Add everything you want to order then head to the basket. The code on the back of your gift card can be entered at the bottom right of the basket page.

2 - Wait for your goods to be delivered
Kick back and wait for the fun to arrive! Your goods are on their way.

Buying instore
Buying in-store is even easier than online, simply hand over your card and we'll take the value off the cost of your purchase.
1 - Bring your card
Bring your card to our Showroom in Huddersfield, near Leeds and Manchester. The address and a few details about our Showroom can be found here.

2 - Hand over the card
Once you have chosen what you want to buy, hand over the card to a member of staff and we'll remove the value from your purchase.

3 - Take away your goods
It's all yours to enjoy, go out there and have fun! It really is that simple!

Terms and conditions
Looking for the small print? You can find all the fine print related to Airsoft Gift Cards on our Terms and Conditions Page.
Hopefully, you now know a bit more about our Airsoft Gift Cards, how to use them and what they are great for. If you have made the call and are ready to get a Gift Card for your loved one, click the button below to see them!