Airsoft FAQ: What do I need to get started in Airsoft?
So you or someone you know is looking to get into Airsoft! You've seen the movies and played more than enough video games to know that you would absolutely love to get involved and live out your tactical dreams, but what do you need to get started?

For those unsure, Airsoft is an engaging activity for any age, a perfect hobby for young teenagers to get active, meet new friends and get involved with a diverse and welcoming community. Now, what do you need to start or get someone else started on their Airsoft adventure? Well, at first there is quite a bit of gear to get, but once the gear has been bought initially, it is an affordable hobby to maintain.

Broadly speaking, there are two types of Airsoft gameplay environments; indoor sites, also known as close-quarters battle (CQB) and outdoor sites, usually big forested areas or disused urban settings. We have a selection of gear that is tailored to either scenario, but for this blog, we will recommend a "one size fits all" loadout; so no matter the location, you are sure to have a safe and enjoyable experience!
Read on to learn more about Airsoft and what you'll need to get started!
Choosing an Airsoft Replica
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AEGs are based on mature technology which has been in use with Airsofters for more than two decades, meaning they are very reliable. With 20 years of development and improvements behind them, AEGs have never performed as well or been as reliable as they are today!
In cold weather, gas-powered Airsoft replicas are known to suffer when it comes to performance, making them harder to use effectively in winter and colder climates. AEGs don't have this issue and will shoot just as well in the heat of summer as in the freezing cold, meaning no matter when you want to shoot, an AEG will do its job.

AEGs are also the easiest type of Airsoft replica to maintain, requiring only that the barrel be cleaned from time to time and potentially a full service once per year if a drop in performance is noticed. This is the reason experienced Airsoft players usually bring an AEG to game days even if they prefer a more challenging experience using a gas blowback rifle or sniper rifle. AEGs just work, as long as you remember to charge your batteries!
All Airsoft AEGs purchased from Patrol Base also include a 12-month warranty which covers all internal faults, provided the AEG has not been disassembled, modified, upgraded or abused.
Safety Gear
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Safety gear makes Airsoft sound scary, but in reality, it is no different than wearing a helmet while riding a bike or shin pads while playing football. The crucial pieces of safety equipment for beginners are rated eye protection, a face mask/mouth cover and basic clothes that cover the full body. We also recommend using boots with ankle support, though this is not essential unless your local site mandates it.
Eye protection is an absolute must-have, whether you're attending Airsoft events or target shooting in the garden. Although Airsofters are not maliciously looking for headshots, when BBs are flying, they can hit you anywhere! Glasses or goggles used for Airsoft must be specifically rated to be able to withstand a BB impact. We recommend products from Bollé Safety, as they specialise in Ballistic Rated Eye Protection and will keep your eyes safe from any rogue BBs. You can browse our full selection of protective eyewear here.
Face protection is also a must, the face is one of the most sensitive parts of the body and therefore, BBs hurt more than usual if you are struck by one. To stop the pain and potential bruising, we recommend wearing a face mask. Check out our Masks & Face Protection here.
As for general body protection, a simple outfit of combat trousers/tracksuit bottoms, a hoodie/jacket, gloves and a good pair of shoes will suffice for pretty much any Airsoft site. Boots with ankle support are recommended but not essential. Exposed skin is not advised unless you are a hardened Airsofter who laughs in the face of pain and is used to taking a beating from BBs!
Battery, Charger and BBs
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So, you've found your first replica? Let's get it ready for shooting! That's where BBs and batteries come into play. A rechargeable battery is required for your AEG to power its internal gearbox. BBs are the little plastic balls used as ammunition during an Airsoft game day and are available in a variety of types and weights.

In Airsoft, there are two different types of battery connectors in use, known as "Mini-Tamiya" and the "Deans". As you may have guessed, it is important that you get the right battery! In our product descriptions, we often recommend an appropriate battery that will fit your chosen AEG, but if you're struggling or need specific advice, check the product's specifications or contact us directly for assistance either via email, phone or social media.
It is also crucial that you buy a compatible charger for your battery as you can easily damage batteries and chargers if they are not designed to work together. If you are unsure, you can check out our battery and charger Buying Guide which explains this in more detail. It is also recommended that you pick up a Safe Charging Bag to ensure safety!
There are so many variations and choices of BBs that it can sometimes be difficult to find exactly what you need for your AEG.
For beginners, we strongly recommend Standard 0.25g BBs as most rifles straight out of the box are specifically designed for this weight. If your local skirmish site mandates biodegradable BBs, make sure you get Bio BBs and keep the outdoor environment clean in the long run!
To learn more about Airsoft BBs and what each weight is best for, check out our BB buying guide.
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As one might expect, there are certain legal restrictions around Airsoft replica ownership and use. Most of these boil down to common sense, but are essential to follow to enjoy the hobby safely and legally.
Airsoft replicas should never be taken out in public, regardless of whether they are finished in realistic colours or bright "Two-Tone" colours. We recommend transporting and storing your Airsoft replica in a Gun Bag or Hard Case, making sure any power source or magazine is removed and stored separately too.
If you're target shooting in the garden, we recommend informing any neighbours what you're up to that you own an Airsoft replica and not to be alarmed if they see or hear you shooting. If your garden can be seen from a public path, it is best to save the shooting for the Airsoft site. This can save a lot of hassle for you and is a great way to show that you're a responsible neighbour and stay out of trouble!
When shooting, it is essential that your BBs do not land outside your property boundary. Under the law, this is considered "Trespassing with a firearm" and should be avoided at all costs. We Airsofters have numerous techniques to avoid this happening, including using catcher targets or home-brewed solutions involving cardboard boxes stacked inside each other.
A beginner cannot buy an Airsoft replica in realistic colours due to not having a "VCRA defence", but can opt to use our "Two-Tone" service on any replica of their choice. This means we will disassemble and paint certain parts of the replica to comply with legalities. Alternatively, you can browse our selection of Pre Two-Tone replicas, already finished in unrealistic colours straight from the factory and available for immediate dispatch. If you are unsure or want further information, learn more about our Two-Tone service here.
There you go, one step closer to your first Airsoft adventure! If you need any more information, hit the buttons below!